Props to Enhance Your Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga Practice
Pregnancy and the postpartum period are transformative stages in a woman’s life, and practicing yoga during this time can bring numerous benefits. One way to enhance and supp
How to Clean a Yoga Mat So That It Lasts Longer
Knowing how to clean a yoga mat properly can make it last longer and prevent infections. Yoga mats, like any other thing out there, get dirty. As you practice, they get expose
How to Choose the Best Yoga Mat for Your Practice
When I first decided to start practicing yoga at home, I lived in Madrid, Spain. That was years ago, and the yoga scene there was in a budding stage. So, there weren’t many class
How to Choose the Best Yoga Bolster For Your Practice
You probably already know that a good-quality mat can make a massive difference to your yoga practice. However, there are a lot more props that you can use to deepen your practice,
Yoga Props: What Do You Need to Do Yoga?
If you have ever been to a yoga class, you’re probably not a stranger to the use of yoga props. They can make it more enjoyable, accessible, creative, challenging, and effective.