Yoga Tutorial: How To Do Mountain Pose
Mountain pose, also known as Tadasana, Samasthiti, or Equal Standing Pose, is one of the most basic postures in yoga. It comes as a part of Sun Salutations, vinyasas, and works as a starting point for other standing postures.
You may ask yourself what’s the big deal about standing and how difficult it could possibly be. After all, standing upright is something we do on the daily. Yet, there’s actually lots going on when Mountain Pose is done correctly.

Mountain Pose Basics
Level: Beginner
Type: Standing, extension
Stretches: The entire body
Strengthens: Legs, back, abdomen
Gaze: Straight ahead
Mountain Pose is great for improving posture. It also works on your balance and can alleviate sciatica. Like other balancing postures, it can help treat flat feet.
How to Do Mountain Pose
- Build Mountain Pose from the bottom up. Stand at the top of your mat. Bring your big toes together and your heels slightly apart as if there were two parallel lines going from your second toes and your heels.
- Then, lift your toes, spread them apart, and place them back on the mat. Distribute weight evenly on both feet. You can rock forward and back or from side to side for that.
- Lift your kneecaps. Engage your thighs and slightly rotate them inwards.
- Draw your lower abdomen in and slightly tuck in your tailbone while maintaining a healthy curve in the back. You’ll notice that your lower abs naturally activate when you do the tuck.
- Relax your shoulders. Draw your shoulder blades back and down. Lift your chest. Make sure not to overdo it. Avoid puffing out your chest and let your ribs flare out.
- Hold your arms by your sides, slightly engage them, and spread your fingers. Turn your palms toward the front of the mat, or your thighs.
- Lift your chin so that it’s parallel to the floor, and gaze forward. Aim for your ears, shoulders, hips, and ankles to be in one line.
- Hold the pose for a few breaths.
Modifications and Variations
- If you find it difficult to balance in Mountain Pose, stand with your feet hip-distance apart.
- Keep your feet wider apart if you’re pregnant. Widen the distance between your feet as much as it’s needed for you to feel stable.
- There are several variations for how you can hold your hands:
- you can have them in prayer position in front of your chest or behind your back;
- you can also lift your arms up and hold your hands parallel or bring them together;
- or, you can interlace your fingers, turn your palms upwards, and raise your hands above your head.
- Stretch your sides. Gently reach your right hand toward your right knee to stretch your left side. Your left hand can remain by your side, or you can lift it up. Alternatively, you can hold both of your arms up.
- Warm up your arms and core with a few twists. Raise your arms up on an inhale. On the exhale, lower your arms until they are parallel to the ground as you twist to your right. Hold it for a few breaths. Then, repeat on the other side.
- Close your eyes and hold Mountain Pose for a few breaths or longer if you wish. While you do so, notice how you’re not static but rather gently swaying from side to side.
- Position your heels behind your second and third toes. Avoid turning them too much outwards.
- In the beginning, it may seem like nothing’s happening when you try spreading your toes. Don’t worry, that’s normal. Your feet are simply not used to doing it. Just keep doing your best. Over time, you’ll develop small muscles in your feet, and you’ll start noticing a difference.
- Place a block between your thighs and squeeze it to learn the correct alignment of the legs.
- Even though you tuck your pelvis in, there should still be a slight curve in your lower back. Make sure it’s not tipping forward.
- Draw your shoulders away from your ears if you’re holding your hands above your head.
- You can also practice standing against the wall. Only your heels, butt, shoulder blades, and the back of your head should be touching the wall.
- Avoid hyperextension in your knees. If your knees are leaning too much backward and further back than your ankles, bend them slightly.
Contraindications and Risks
Be careful if you have headaches, are feeling dizzy or lightheaded, have low blood pressure, or haven’t slept much, as that can affect your balance in Mountain Pose.

Carter Catherine
Everyone NEEDS yoga. But that will mean something entirely different to each individual. It is not just poses, or physical exercise. It’s your overall well-being. You create your own practice that suits YOUR personal needs. Realizing that changes everything.
I had no idea mountain pose had so much going on.